Sunday, January 30, 2011

One Soldier at a Time: Part 3 - Live Demonstration 2


The sun shines brightly on the hood of the black sedan as a man in a white work shirt, black khakis and a pocket protector steps out. He reaches back into the car and pulls out a clipboard before walking up to the guard station. "Hey, I have an appointment?" "You the Navy guy?" "That's me." "ID please."

He pulls his identification out of his pocket and shows it to the guard. The guard looks it over, punches something into a computer and hands the ID back. He punches something else into the computer and then hits the button to open the game. "Thanks, you can go. Just go down the hall, turn left, down the stairs and he should be waiting there." "Thanks."

He follows the guard's instructions and heads down the stairs. He glances at his clipboard a few times on the way down. "Suit malfunction, unprofessional, mess...what the hell? I need to ask about this."

When he reaches the bottom of the stairs he meets a man in an expensive-looking suit. "Ah, you're the man the Navy sent?" "That would be me. Can we get started?" "Of course, of course. Do you want to watch the video demonstration first, or would you like to go straight to the live demonstration?" The Navy man makes a note on his clipboard. The rep looks nervous. "Let's see the video." Not even the slightest facial movement. Completely monotone. "Right this way, sir."

They watch the training video, and during the part about waste management the Navy man raises an eyebrow. Still, he doesn't say a word. Just watches on, silently. At the end of the video, the rep asks "Any questions?" The Navy man makes a few notes on his clipboard first. "Yes, I have a few. The report refers to a mess that occured. Does this have to do with the waste management system mentioned in the video demonstration?" The rep started sweating. "Well, actually, yes. It's...not something we're proud of. But we've certainly worked out the problems by now." The Navy man makes another note. "I see. Can we move onto the live demonstration?"

As they walk down the hallway, the rep begins to feel very uncomfortable. He glances back at the Navy man and realizes why: the Navy rep is staring at him. Not just for lack of anywhere else to look, but in a way that makes him feel very insecure. As if he's sizing him up at all times, trying to anticipate his next move, get inside his head. He looks ahead again and goes up to the double doors. "Here we are!" The Navy rep again doesn't change facial expressions or say anything.

Upon entering, the two men see two female soldiers in the combat suits standing near the entrance, talking. They notice the men and salute. "Cpl. Sanchez. Cpl. Woods. Where's Macintire?" He makes a show of looking around for her. "She's in the locker room sir. She's double checking her equipment, to avoid any...incidents." She glares in the NHA rep's direction and he gives her a sympathetic look.

"Well, let me start anyway. These are the updated PX-1000 combat suits, now labelled the PX-1100. They no longer have any problems with the waste management systems, and I've been assured this has been TESTED thoroughly." The Navy man writes on his clipboard again. "Can I get just a brief demo before the third girl arrives? Can we lock the doors and fire a few rounds from those rifles?" He gestures over to the weapons on a table near the entrance. "Oh, I don't see a problem with that. Who should go first?" The NHA rep looks back and forth between Sanchez and Woods. "We can both go, sir." Sanchez suggests. "Ah. Good enough, I suppose. Alright, follow me to the viewing room."

Once the two men start up the stairs to the viewing room, Sanchez leans over to whisper to Woods. "Ohmygod I have to go! I'm afraid to use the suit but I don't know how long this demo is going to last. What should I do?" Woods thinks a moment before flatly stating "Hold it." She then grabs a rifle and walks over to the firing range, adjusting her helmet. Sanchez frowns and follows suit.

The demonstration goes well, with the girls placing perfect shots on the targets from any distance. Blowback doesn't even seem to exist with the suits on. "And of course, the software for the augmented reality system has been improved. In just a month the targetting system actually works properly, and most of the glitches have been eliminated. It's still not perfect, however." The NHA rep continues his pitch as the Navy rep simply nods and scribbles on the clipboard. As the Navy rep watches the demo, he spots Sanchez wiggling her hips in-between magazines. "Is she feeling alright?" He points her out with his pen. "Ahh...I'm not sure. She seems ok." "Well, I've seen enough of this. The suit seems to function well, and I'll take the report's word for it on the other weapons. This is just a preliminary anyway. I'm curious to see the changes to the waste management system, though. Will this be a problem." The NHA rep started sweating again, terrified. "Well, I should hope...I mean it depends on the girls...they might not have to...but I mean with the rations we feed them, heh...heheh...ah." The Navy rep still remains stoic as ever. Not a single chortle. "Well, let's see then, shall we?" He rings the buzzer to signal the end of the live fire demo and opens the door. They both head down the stairs as the girls set down all their equipment. Again, Sanchez squirms as she puts her things away.

"So, we already have a dozen prototype suits set aside. They're all the updated 1100 models, so there shouldn't be any lingering issues." The Navy rep just writes on his clipboard again. No comments. No questions. "Ah, if you don't mind my asking, shouldn't you be a bit more inquisitive about this whole affair? I understand testing and inquiry is more rigorous after any incidents, especially in the arms industry." The man doesn't respond. The rep lets the subject drop as they're approached by Woods and Sanchez.

"Alright, moving right on to the next part of the demonstration..." Sanchez nudges Woods, and Woods leans over to whisper in her ear. "Don't worry, I'll do it. Just hold it." Sanchez smiles and pats Woods on the shoulder. "Any volunteers?" Woods raises her hand. "I have to go, sir." "Very good, Corporal. Go ahead." Woods blushes as one light comes on the hip plate. Woods' facial expression doesn't change until the light blinks off, then a very subtle look of relief fleets across her face for just a moment, before reverting back to her usual blank expression."

"Ah, Cpl. Woods, I hate to ask, but...can you remove your waste management device for a moment? I'd like to have a look at it." The NHA rep waits while she presses a button to detach the device and hands it over. He looks it over, then hands it to the Navy rep. He too looks it over, and hands it back. "Well, everything's in order, it seems! Perfect." He hands the device back to Woods, who reattaches it to the suit.

The Navy man makes another note on his clipboard, then steps over by the girls. "Excellent. We'll take it." The NHA rep is silent a moment, before stammering out "You'll...uh...take it?" "Yes, we'll take it." Again, he pauses in shock and confusion. "Well, forgive me if I'm incorrect, but you're a representative, correct? You're here to give your bosses an assessment of the technology, then they take a few for personal testing, and it's a very complicated process. What do you mean you'll 'take it?'"

"I mean, we'll TAKE it." Again, everyone in the room is puzzled. The NHA rep's radio starts making noise. He removes it from his belt and answers. "Hey, what's going on?" "Sir, guy from the Navy is here. We double-checked the ID of that first guy and it's a phony. I don't know who you've got in there with y-...oh holy shit." The radio went silent.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, until the NHA rep dared to speak. "Sir, who are you?" The man said nothing. "Sir I'm going to need to see your identification." Still nothing. The NHA rep stepped closer. "Sir, I'm going to h-" Just then, the double doors banged open, knocking out the NHA rep. The sudden noise took Sanchez and Woods by surprise, and Sanchez dropped to the ground, trying to keep her nerve. Two lights blinked on the front before Sanchez had any idea what was going on. "Oh shit...oh my god...what's happening?!" Sanchez felt herself let go of her bladder and sphincter at the same time and felt a hot stream of urine entering the device, making an almost inaudible whizzing noise. Worse, though, was her urge to shit. Falling down on her back knocked the panel, breaking the waste management system. She begins to tear up as she unleashes a torrent of diarrhea into the suit, partly mashing the brown mess up against her back and buttcheeks and partly releasing it into the hip panel, dripping some down onto the floor.

Two men with assault rifles grab the girls by the shoulders and lift them up at gunpoint, marching them into the hallway. Sanchez farts and loses control of her bowels again in the process. *Frrrp* Shit drips down her legs. The man with the clipboard sniffs the air. "I don't think they fixed the waste management device." He frowns. "We'll have a go at it when we have the suits."

A third man appears and hands the clipboard man a handgun. "Let's get the other suits and get out." They quickly move from room to room, looking for any trace of the suits. "Hey boss, don't you think they'd keep them someplace more secure?" "We're playing the odds." Sanchez continues farting and having terrible diarrhea in her suit. "Hey, stop spoiling the merchandise bitch." She whimpers.


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