The dormitory was silent, the most peaceful it's been in a long time. It was finally all over; the members of SEES had finished their ordeal, and could go on to living a normal life.
It had already been just over a week since the members of SEES had regained their memories, causing a big stir at graduation by just walking out in the middle of the ceremony. But who wouldn't want to just stop and celebrate? They saved the world after all.
But this story isn't about their triumphs against ultimate evil, or the Shadows or the Dark Hour or anything like that. This is a story of something far more interesting...bowel habits.
The light was dim in Yukari Takeba's room; just bright enough to read in. It was also cold, being just the beginning of spring. This was probably why Yukari was laying in bed, half covered by a blanket, instead of out with her friends or anything to that effect, instead choosing to catch up on her reading and try to stay warm. She shifted slightly as she adjusted the book (A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking) to see in the light, wedging her panties into herself a little in the process. With one hand still clutching the book, she reached under her simple pink nightshirt (she was really, really into the color pink) and tugged her blue underwear out of her private area. She returned her hand back to her stomach, but disturbed the blanket in doing so, and had to adjust that so she wasn't cold. The lengths a girl goes to for comfort.
Her tummy gurgled loudly as she felt a slight pressure building in her abdomen, a sign of impending discomfort. The pressure grew little by little as she tried harder to concentrate on her activity, but a cramp started building in her gut, and it was becoming harder to ignore. She reached back down to rub her stomach, and once again knocked the blanket down. She didn't bother to readjust it this time however: she knew she'd be getting up in a minute. The pressure quickly moved farther south, and she felt something moving through her bowels. The cramp intensified as she winced in pain, passing a little bit of gas. Prrrt. Uh-oh, I know what that means. She thought. I really shouldn't have had all that curry for lunch. But I haven't had it in a while and I hadn't eaten breakfast and...ohh boy I don't have time to think about this. And she didn't, because the pressure in her lower half became even worse, filling her bowels with an intense urge to evac. The train was leaving the station, and it was leaving whether she was "on board" or not.
She quickly tossed the blanket on the floor and stood up, fast-walking over to the door and leaving her room, heading up to the nearby dorm bathroom. Each bathroom was composed of 3 luxurious, graffiti-free stalls, nice comfortable toilets within, and always plenty of toilet paper. At this time of night (about 12:30), when everyone was asleep, it was a girl's dream bathroom, because it was not only comfortable, it was empty. No one to smell your "results." And the last thing Yukari wanted was for someone to smell THIS one.
Yukari climbed up the steps, two at a time, and walked across the fourth floor to the bathroom, almost breaking into a run, but thinking better of it (the girls on the floor below might hear.) She swung the door open and dashed across the grey and black tiled floor, choosing the stall on the far end, as always. She hitched up her shirt, hooking her thumbs into her panties in one smooth action, and slid them down to her knees, bending down towards the seat at the same time. Wait, I should slow down a sec, the seat'll be cold. She realized, trying desperately to control her movements (the one down onto the seat and the...other kind), finally settling onto the seat. (Her back still shot straight when she sat; the seat was indeed freezing) It would be warm by the end though: she'd be here a while.
She let out another fart, this one smelling far worse than the last, echoing in the bowl. Prrbbrt. Yuck. I'm glad I'm alone for th- Yukari's thoughts shifted as she heard a sigh in the next stall. Ohmygodissomeonehere?! She panicked, afraid she might have to release her load in front of someone (it really couldn't wait, so it would have to be now, regardless) Another fart echoed in the bowl, but this time joined by a small airy one from next door. Bbbrttpll. Pffft. Yukari sighed, both in relief and to try and dispel some of the panic.
She leaned down just far enough to see under the stall, close enough to see the blue fleck pattern in the tile. She caught a glimpse of a pair of perfectly pedicured feet, red satin pajama bottoms and lacy pink panties bunched up around them. Mitsuru, She thought, pushing her fear into overdrive, sitting up straight. The sudden burst of adrenaline forced her to begin her BM involuntarily, a bit of poo dropping down into the water, crackling out uncomfortably fast, making a soft, barely audible plop. Crkkl Plip! There was a gasp from next door, and the sound of feet shuffling and a pair of eyes and a wave of purple hair quickly appearing and disappearing under the stall. Oh no, Takeba goes at this time of night too? Mitsuru blushed a deep crimson, leaning back on the toilet tank and staring down at her feet.
For the longest time I've been constipated, coming in two or three nights a week, sitting for hours trying to pass these horrible bowel movements, and thinking I would always be the only one here. I suppose that was a bit of wishful thinking. She sighed quietly and patted her stomach, leaning forward and resting her chin on her hands, which were in turn resting on her knees. A few plops came from the direction of Yukari's stall, echoing around the bathroom. CrrkklPlopPlop PsshFlump. Finally the smell was starting to waft into Mitsuru's stall, assaulting her nose with a smell not unlike that of rotten meat. She coughed, trying to be polite. She pushed a little, trying to get her turd moving, so she could get out of there. No such luck.
Yukari sat with her head in her hands, soft diarrhea burning her tender hole on the way out. SpplooshCrrlkcrcklrkPlopplop PLOP Crkkklllll...floompplop. "Uuuhhhnn." She groaned against her will, clutching her midsection and trying to relax. She flushed the toilet. Wave one was over, but more was on the way. I haven't heard any noise from Mitsuru's stall. What's going on with that?
She spoke too soon though, as Yukari heard Ms. Kirijo let go of a deep grunt, and a loud sigh immediately afterwards. Oohhh so that's how it is. Poor girl. She's always so busy though, all that stress has to go somewhere. Yukari farted again and blushed. Frrp
Mitsuru sniffed the air and almost gagged, managing to just cough again instead. "Mmmn." She whined, accidentally. She immediately turned her head to the stall partition, hoping Yukari hadn't heard her little "comment."
Meanwhile, Yukari shifted her slender butt on the seat, still trying to calm down. It's only going to the bathroom, all girls do it. When a girls got to go, a girl's got to go, right? doesn't sound like she's going. Yukari pondered as a second wave of stinky, burning sludge fired out of her ass, coating the bowl, painting it a deep brown. PffftbrrtcrrkklplopPRRFFBBTT Prrtplop BLLLRTplipcrkklplip. "Ohhh god. Ahh."
Mitsuru's eyes shot open wide, reacting to Yukari's voice. Oh boy, she sounds like she'll be here for a while. Well, I don't really want to give up yet, and this seat is already warm. I'll just try to bear it.
I should've thought to bring my book. I need something to take my mind off this. A more solid log slid out of Yukari and down into the pot, settling right in the bend. Crrrrklll Flumpp! "Mmm," She moaned, mostly in relief. She looked over in Mitsuru's direction, brushing her wavy wheat-colored hair out of her face. She flushed, almost clogging the toilet this time. She looked down at the toilet paper and stared for a moment, thinking how to pass the time until this was finally over. No end in sight.
She cleared her throat and opened her mouth, as if to speak. Oh no I can't do that! That'd be really creepy, talking to another girl pooping. Ehh what do I do? Mitsuru, on the other hand, sat with her mouth almost permanently open, ready to speak at any moment. No, it would just increase the tension in here. I don't have anything to say anyway. They sat for a moment, not a sound (but unfortunately a smell) permeating the air.
At last, Yukari gathered up all her courage and spoke. "Uhmm...sorry...a-about the smell...I...h-had...curry for l-lunch." Mitsuru shut down for a moment, unsure of how to respond or indeed if she SHOULD respond. Eventually she did get her act together and spoke softly, squinting down at her thighs the whole time, which looked almost as pale as the toilet. "It's...ok Takeba. It's only...n-natural. Unfortunately, the air-freshener requires refilling, so..." She trailed off, in a very uncharacteristic way. Yukari could tell she was just as nervous as herself; this was a little comforting.
"Well...I'm still s-" Yukari began to speak, but just then her third wave of feces started up with a thunderous explusion. BLRRRTT! Plopplplpp Splltfrrp....plipp. The stench wafted up betwen her legs, entering the next stall at almost the same time as Yukari's nose. She grimaced and held her nostrils shut. That was just too rank for her. She couldn't see, but Mitsuru did exactly the same.
"Uhm...Senpai?" Yukari began, trying to keep the conversation fresh. "This is sort of embarassing doesn't sound like you're...g-going...over there." Yukari looked up at the ceiling, realizing just how dim the light was in here. It made the atmosphere sort of cozy.
Mitsuru's lips curled into a little smile as she released her tight grip on her nose (the smell hadn't gotten any better, even sense the last time Yukari flushed), and she began explaining. "Yes, I'm sorry. I've...been suffering from a bout of...constipation."
Yukari paused, then giggled. "We're a real pair. I can't keep mine in and you can't get yours out." Mitsuru chuckled, in spite of herself. It was true.
There were a few small plops and farts from Yukari's stall. Plop...crkkl plip...frrrrrt. Finally, Yukari felt empty. It was about time. She flushed the toilet yet again and reached over for the toilet paper (two-ply, mmm), and ripped off a few squares, running them across her crack, her hole still burning painfully from the fecal assault. She had to repeat the process several times to get anywhere near clean.
"Uhh..." Yukari stumbled, playing with the elastic on her panties. "Senpai, I...have a little...r...'remedy' for...that." "...What's that, Takeba?" Mitsuru detested things like laxatives or enemas. They put too much stress on the body, and she took great pride in her health. (Among the many other things she took pride in.)
"W-well...I'm...not sure if..." She was still playing with the elastic, perhaps a little too intently. She wasn't sure whether to finish the thought. "It...I don't know."
Mitsuru was now thoroughly interested. Is this a chance at relief? What's she trying to say? She sat straining her ears to listen.
"I don't know...w-why it helps, but...I...sometimes...when I'm having trouble..." Mitsuru leaned even closer to the partition, waiting for her to finish. "" Yukari suddenly felt a surge of adrenaline, a cold sweat, a chill ran up her spine. Ohshitohshitohshit! I can't believe I just told her that ohmygodohshit!
Mitsuru clammed up. She stared straight at the stall door, not really sure what to think or say. She spoke anyway, out of courtesy. "Takeba, that's...very interesting." It certainly was. But it was ridiculous...right? That wouldn't help a thing...right? Well, it could help to stimulate the bowels. But...would it really do much? Besides, I...can never make myself comfortable enough to pleasure myself... Regardless of how she felt, she gave Yukari's suggestion much thought.
Yukari was a deep red, her face seemingly ready to burst. She stood up and lifted her panties back to her hips, lowering her shirt back down to her slim, creamy thighs. "I...I'm sorry, t-that was..." "No, thank you Takeba. I'll...think about it." "No, that's...ok" Yukari quickly undid the door's latch and snuck out to the sinks, washing her hands quickly and rushing out the door, before things got more awkward. Mitsuru sat on the toilet for a minute, thinking, before finally surrendering to her frustrated bowels and pulling her pajamas up, padding off to bed. Strange, it must just be a psychological comfort to her, or something like that. But...
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