Sunday, January 30, 2011

One Soldier at a Time: Part 3 - Live Demonstration 2


The sun shines brightly on the hood of the black sedan as a man in a white work shirt, black khakis and a pocket protector steps out. He reaches back into the car and pulls out a clipboard before walking up to the guard station. "Hey, I have an appointment?" "You the Navy guy?" "That's me." "ID please."

He pulls his identification out of his pocket and shows it to the guard. The guard looks it over, punches something into a computer and hands the ID back. He punches something else into the computer and then hits the button to open the game. "Thanks, you can go. Just go down the hall, turn left, down the stairs and he should be waiting there." "Thanks."

He follows the guard's instructions and heads down the stairs. He glances at his clipboard a few times on the way down. "Suit malfunction, unprofessional, mess...what the hell? I need to ask about this."

When he reaches the bottom of the stairs he meets a man in an expensive-looking suit. "Ah, you're the man the Navy sent?" "That would be me. Can we get started?" "Of course, of course. Do you want to watch the video demonstration first, or would you like to go straight to the live demonstration?" The Navy man makes a note on his clipboard. The rep looks nervous. "Let's see the video." Not even the slightest facial movement. Completely monotone. "Right this way, sir."

They watch the training video, and during the part about waste management the Navy man raises an eyebrow. Still, he doesn't say a word. Just watches on, silently. At the end of the video, the rep asks "Any questions?" The Navy man makes a few notes on his clipboard first. "Yes, I have a few. The report refers to a mess that occured. Does this have to do with the waste management system mentioned in the video demonstration?" The rep started sweating. "Well, actually, yes. It's...not something we're proud of. But we've certainly worked out the problems by now." The Navy man makes another note. "I see. Can we move onto the live demonstration?"

As they walk down the hallway, the rep begins to feel very uncomfortable. He glances back at the Navy man and realizes why: the Navy rep is staring at him. Not just for lack of anywhere else to look, but in a way that makes him feel very insecure. As if he's sizing him up at all times, trying to anticipate his next move, get inside his head. He looks ahead again and goes up to the double doors. "Here we are!" The Navy rep again doesn't change facial expressions or say anything.

Upon entering, the two men see two female soldiers in the combat suits standing near the entrance, talking. They notice the men and salute. "Cpl. Sanchez. Cpl. Woods. Where's Macintire?" He makes a show of looking around for her. "She's in the locker room sir. She's double checking her equipment, to avoid any...incidents." She glares in the NHA rep's direction and he gives her a sympathetic look.

"Well, let me start anyway. These are the updated PX-1000 combat suits, now labelled the PX-1100. They no longer have any problems with the waste management systems, and I've been assured this has been TESTED thoroughly." The Navy man writes on his clipboard again. "Can I get just a brief demo before the third girl arrives? Can we lock the doors and fire a few rounds from those rifles?" He gestures over to the weapons on a table near the entrance. "Oh, I don't see a problem with that. Who should go first?" The NHA rep looks back and forth between Sanchez and Woods. "We can both go, sir." Sanchez suggests. "Ah. Good enough, I suppose. Alright, follow me to the viewing room."

Once the two men start up the stairs to the viewing room, Sanchez leans over to whisper to Woods. "Ohmygod I have to go! I'm afraid to use the suit but I don't know how long this demo is going to last. What should I do?" Woods thinks a moment before flatly stating "Hold it." She then grabs a rifle and walks over to the firing range, adjusting her helmet. Sanchez frowns and follows suit.

The demonstration goes well, with the girls placing perfect shots on the targets from any distance. Blowback doesn't even seem to exist with the suits on. "And of course, the software for the augmented reality system has been improved. In just a month the targetting system actually works properly, and most of the glitches have been eliminated. It's still not perfect, however." The NHA rep continues his pitch as the Navy rep simply nods and scribbles on the clipboard. As the Navy rep watches the demo, he spots Sanchez wiggling her hips in-between magazines. "Is she feeling alright?" He points her out with his pen. "Ahh...I'm not sure. She seems ok." "Well, I've seen enough of this. The suit seems to function well, and I'll take the report's word for it on the other weapons. This is just a preliminary anyway. I'm curious to see the changes to the waste management system, though. Will this be a problem." The NHA rep started sweating again, terrified. "Well, I should hope...I mean it depends on the girls...they might not have to...but I mean with the rations we feed them, heh...heheh...ah." The Navy rep still remains stoic as ever. Not a single chortle. "Well, let's see then, shall we?" He rings the buzzer to signal the end of the live fire demo and opens the door. They both head down the stairs as the girls set down all their equipment. Again, Sanchez squirms as she puts her things away.

"So, we already have a dozen prototype suits set aside. They're all the updated 1100 models, so there shouldn't be any lingering issues." The Navy rep just writes on his clipboard again. No comments. No questions. "Ah, if you don't mind my asking, shouldn't you be a bit more inquisitive about this whole affair? I understand testing and inquiry is more rigorous after any incidents, especially in the arms industry." The man doesn't respond. The rep lets the subject drop as they're approached by Woods and Sanchez.

"Alright, moving right on to the next part of the demonstration..." Sanchez nudges Woods, and Woods leans over to whisper in her ear. "Don't worry, I'll do it. Just hold it." Sanchez smiles and pats Woods on the shoulder. "Any volunteers?" Woods raises her hand. "I have to go, sir." "Very good, Corporal. Go ahead." Woods blushes as one light comes on the hip plate. Woods' facial expression doesn't change until the light blinks off, then a very subtle look of relief fleets across her face for just a moment, before reverting back to her usual blank expression."

"Ah, Cpl. Woods, I hate to ask, but...can you remove your waste management device for a moment? I'd like to have a look at it." The NHA rep waits while she presses a button to detach the device and hands it over. He looks it over, then hands it to the Navy rep. He too looks it over, and hands it back. "Well, everything's in order, it seems! Perfect." He hands the device back to Woods, who reattaches it to the suit.

The Navy man makes another note on his clipboard, then steps over by the girls. "Excellent. We'll take it." The NHA rep is silent a moment, before stammering out "You'll...uh...take it?" "Yes, we'll take it." Again, he pauses in shock and confusion. "Well, forgive me if I'm incorrect, but you're a representative, correct? You're here to give your bosses an assessment of the technology, then they take a few for personal testing, and it's a very complicated process. What do you mean you'll 'take it?'"

"I mean, we'll TAKE it." Again, everyone in the room is puzzled. The NHA rep's radio starts making noise. He removes it from his belt and answers. "Hey, what's going on?" "Sir, guy from the Navy is here. We double-checked the ID of that first guy and it's a phony. I don't know who you've got in there with y-...oh holy shit." The radio went silent.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, until the NHA rep dared to speak. "Sir, who are you?" The man said nothing. "Sir I'm going to need to see your identification." Still nothing. The NHA rep stepped closer. "Sir, I'm going to h-" Just then, the double doors banged open, knocking out the NHA rep. The sudden noise took Sanchez and Woods by surprise, and Sanchez dropped to the ground, trying to keep her nerve. Two lights blinked on the front before Sanchez had any idea what was going on. "Oh shit...oh my god...what's happening?!" Sanchez felt herself let go of her bladder and sphincter at the same time and felt a hot stream of urine entering the device, making an almost inaudible whizzing noise. Worse, though, was her urge to shit. Falling down on her back knocked the panel, breaking the waste management system. She begins to tear up as she unleashes a torrent of diarrhea into the suit, partly mashing the brown mess up against her back and buttcheeks and partly releasing it into the hip panel, dripping some down onto the floor.

Two men with assault rifles grab the girls by the shoulders and lift them up at gunpoint, marching them into the hallway. Sanchez farts and loses control of her bowels again in the process. *Frrrp* Shit drips down her legs. The man with the clipboard sniffs the air. "I don't think they fixed the waste management device." He frowns. "We'll have a go at it when we have the suits."

A third man appears and hands the clipboard man a handgun. "Let's get the other suits and get out." They quickly move from room to room, looking for any trace of the suits. "Hey boss, don't you think they'd keep them someplace more secure?" "We're playing the odds." Sanchez continues farting and having terrible diarrhea in her suit. "Hey, stop spoiling the merchandise bitch." She whimpers.


The Queen's Throne Part 2

Lady Cassia paced up and down her bed chamber, unable to sleep. "That new girl, there's something about her. She was almost too kind, too sweet. Why can't I stop thinking about earlier today?" The sun was now set, and the mood in the room was just as dark as the light outside. A few stray candles burned in the corners of the room, just enough to provide some light so Cassia could see where she was headed. She sat at her vanity and stared herself in the eye, thinking hard. She looked over at the door leading to Liviya's quarters, laying her head down on the table and sighing. She stared for a long time. "'s not too late. She could be awake."

She stood up, straightened her sleeping gown and walked over to the door, hesitating before knocking. "What if she's not awake? I could be disturbing." She shook her head, long strands of hair falling over her eyes. "She has an obligation to me anyway. She must expect this sort of, that sounds cruel. I don't wish to abuse her in any way." While her mind was still rambling, her body had taken over and knocked on the door. She was worried for a moment, because if she'd heard that, there was no going back now. "Oh my! This is terrible, I shouldn't be disturbing her at this time of night! What shall...I..." She heard footsteps, coming closer, and the door opened. Liviya stood there, also dressed in her white nightgown. "Do you require my services, m'lady?" She played with her sleeves as she said this.

", I do-" *Gurggl* Her stomach lurched, and a sudden pain seized her lower abdomen. "Oh...I believe I do. I'm sorry." She rushed over to the royal stool and lifted the lid, quickly lifting up the back of her nightgown and sitting. *Pfft* A burst of air escaping her butt. "I'm very sorry. Did I wake you just for this?" She continued playing with her sleeves, and was staring down at her feet, but yet she didn't hesitate to answer. "No, m'lady. I was...awake." *Pffft* More gas, a very quiet puff, but quite aromatic. Cassia wrinkled her nose. Liviya just stared down at her feet. "Hm. It appears I'm just, at the moment. Are you troubled?" "Not at...may I sit down?" Cassia looked confused for a moment, then realized she was, after all, the queen, and these sort of formalities must be expected. "Oh, of course. Please, sit." Liviya sat down on the edge of the bed. She still played with the cuffs of her nightgown. "You do appear troubled though. What is the matter, Liviya?"

Liviya sat silent for what seemed like an eternity, before she at last opened her mouth to speak. "I h-" *Frrt* A wet fart interrupted her. "Oh. Ah, I'm sorry Liviya. That was embarrassing. Now, you were saying?" Liviya was now bright red, obviously feeling ashamed. "Not a thing. I...apologize." Cassia furrowed her brow and reached out to touch Liviya's knee. "Speak your mind." Liviya sighed. "Well...Ineedtorelievemybowelsbut...uhm...I didn't...want to disturb you by opening the door so...I just sat there." Cassia was now the embarrassed one. "It's ok. You may leave and relieve yourself now if you want." Liviya held a hand to her crotch and spoke in an urgent tone. "Thank you, m'lady uh...but...mmn......I don't think I can make it there." She gripped herself tighter.

Cassia was now concerned. She thought about her mother, looking down on the poor and the laborious around her. She thought her mother might be annoyed by something like a servant leaving to use the lavatory. She didn't want to be like that. "Liviya, if you can't hold it...I should tell you this stool is rather large. If I move to the side, we may be able to use it both at once. If that might be fine with you, of course." Liviya started up but caught herself and sat back down. "No m'lady, I shouldn't impose." Cassia began scooting over to the side. "Loosing your bowels on my bed might be more of an imposition than this. Please." Liviya stood up and, in one quick motion, pulled her nightgown up, turned around and threw herself down onto the stool. Cassia had to grip the side to keep from being propelled off the edge.

Liviya wasted no time. Immediately she released a combination of gas and very loose diarrhea, groaning while she did so. *PffttcrrkklplpbllrtttPLPPpffftblrrrrtpfff* Cassia held onto the edge for dear life, both trying not to fall off and trying not to make the atmosphere thicker. She unconciously sniffled and smelled the horrible air, coughing involuntarily. "You're fortunate you have no sense of smell, Liviya." She laughed. Liviya didn't laugh, whether it was because of her physical discomfort or her unshakable etiquette. Cassia stopped smiling and looked around the room, passing more gas in the meantime. *Pffffft* Liviya was now urinating into the pot, and at the same time having awful, reeking diarrhea. Cassia felt sorry for the girl. She held this in for who knows how long, and was just now getting a chance to relieve herself, and it had to be in someone's company? It seemed almost unfair, but sort of fitting given the situation.

Cassia decided to lend some comfort. She reached behind her back and found Liviya's arm, wrapped tightly around her aching stomach. She pulled one arm away and lay it between them, holding her hand and running her fingers along her palm. Liviya opened her teary eyes again and realized her hand was being held. She turned her head and nearly met Cassia's gaze. They rolled their heads back a little farther in unison, now looking eye-to-eye. *Crrkkllflomp* Cassia let loose into Liviya's pile. She giggled. Even Liviya giggled this time. "Liviya scrunched her face up and grunted, testing her bowels. "I'm finished, m'lady." She sighed and let go of Cassia's hand. "As am I. Shall we clean ourselves?" Liviya gasped. "I forgot my things!" She carefully let down her nightgown and walked to her bedroom, bringing back the shallow bowl and silk. Liviya first cleaned Cassia's backside, then went to get another bit of silk. She came back and made to clean herself, but Cassia stopped her. "...Allow me. This will be a secret amongst us, yes?" Liviya stood stunned. "A...secret? Us? I...yes. Alright." Cassia smirked and commanded Liviya to turn around and squat, and she did. She took her time cleaning Liviya's rear, disgusted and at the same time highly fascinated. The smell was becoming a nuisance, however. "There, finished. Now please, Liviya, remove this." She pointed to the stool. "O...of course, m'lady." She opened the front and removed the pot, looking down into it before walking over to the window and pouring the contents onto the garden below.  She wiped the inside of the bowl and set it aside. "I shall wash it more thoroughly tomorrow. I'll take all of this away for now." "Please do."

After Liviya left the room, Cassia tossed herself onto the bed, deep in thought. She'd caught a glimpse of the contents of the bowl, and she was utterly astounding that such a slender girl as Liviya could produce something so...large. "At the least, I think there are a great many things I don't understand about this girl." She pulled the covers over herself and drifted to sleep, the still fresh odor of Liviya's evacuation still hanging in the air.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

One Soldier at a Time: Part 2 - Live Demonstration 1

The men find themselves walking down the corridor again, ecstactic about the live demonstration. Was New Heaven Arms really ready to release such a visionary piece of technology? Would it truly prove itself on the battlefield? Time to find out.

The hallway ends at a large, metal double door. The NHA representative swings the doors wide and saunters into a long, high-ceilinged room, divided by tiles roughly 3x3 feet throughout the floor and ceiling. Four adorable (but gruff-looking) women stand not far from the entrance, each holding a different weapon: one holds a handgun, one an assault rifle, one a more conventional high-powered sniper rifle and one even holds an anti-tank weapon. They salute as the men walk in. The rep salutes back at them. "Gentlemen, these are our demonstrators." He points to each one in turn, and they all wave back. "Cpl. Amy Sanchez. Sgt. Abigail Guff. Sgt. Raegan Macintire. And last, Cpl. Imogen Woods."

Cpl. Sanchez is the shortest of the girls. Blond hair, blue eyes and fair complexion. Possibly the cutest of the girls, with the sweetest face. Not to be mistaken for innocent though: on the battlefield, she's dangerous. She wields the handgun, and is the current champion of the NRA's official target shooting competition.

Sgt. Guff is probably the LEAST cute of the girls. She has a strong, muscular face and black hair shaved into a fade. She has green eyes and is African-American, with a fairly light complexion. She holds the assault rifle, and is known to her squadmates as "Guff the Ruff."

Sgt. Macintire is of Irish descent, and it shows. Messy brown hair, wide brown eyes and a very excitable demeanor, she's easily the perkiest of the group. Truly an anomaly in the sniping world, she's able to keep 100% cool composure whenever the situation calls for it. Outside of combat, however, she's a rowdy one. She carries the sniper rifle, and has competed with it in several ISSF Olympic events.

Cpl. Woods is the stoic one of the group. She has very pale blonde hair, almost silver at first glance, and dark green eyes. She stands in a very uncomfortable-looking stance at nearly all times, rarely adding to a conversation. But she's bright: her CO's have testified to her leadership ability, and if she were more sociable would probably have been promoted much higher by now. She holds the anti-tank launcher, and has studied the manual endlessly every night for weeks.

"Now, if you'll follow me..." They all walk over to the left and file up a short staircase into a small viewing room. The rep clicks a button on the panel in front of him, bending over to speak into a microphone. "You ladies can begin, starting with Cpl. Sanchez." The women put their helmets on and Cpl. Sanchez stands at the firing range, the other women standing off to the side.

The men watch eagerly as the women all take their turns firing their weapons down the range, scoring near perfect on each target. The demonstration for the anti-tank weapon was particularly impressive: Cpl. Woods didn't even seem to change stance as she fired the missle. She was perfectly still for the entire demonstration.

The women remove their helmets and line up again near the entrance as the men come back down. The men shake hands with the soldiers, congratulating them on a successful demo. "Ah, but the demonstration isn't quite finished." The rep adds to the ongoing conversation. "First, I have a working model of the helmet the PX-1000 uses, you can all pass it around and have a look at the interface, and see how it feels to wear. The men do so, and are all in agreement of how comfortable the helmet actually is to wear. The interface, as the rep said, didn't work perfectly; the targetting system was glitchy and the interface just shut down altogether a few times, but the rep assured them it was a software issue and not a permanent problem.

Cpl. Sanchez clears her throat and says "Excuse me a moment." The men turns to face her and she smiles bashfully, before a tiny light on the hip plate comes on. "Aha! A perfect demonstration of the waste disposal feature. I can see from here that it's a 'number one.' Very excellent." The rep beams. The light stays on for a few more seconds before Woods sighs and the light blinks off. She gives the thumbs up to the group and they give her a short round of applause. She gives a hearty laugh in reply.

"Come to think of it, I don't suppose any of you ladies could offer a full demonstration?" The rep looks hopeful. The girls shift in place for a moment, before Macintire speaks up. "I think I can manage it, sir!" Sanchez giggles while the other two roll their eyes. "Is it ok if I wear my helmet? I'm REALLY shy." She puts her helmet on and turns around, bending forward with her hands resting on her knees, squatting down slightly. From behind the helmet they can hear a muffled "Mmnf." This time, two lights switch on on the hip plate. Macintire feels her sphincter opening up to welcome a hearty log, and...*Clnk* "Hm?" The interior of the suit closes up, disconnecting the hip plate from her ass. "Oh shit." She (appropriately) quips. A warm, mushy mass smashes up against her butt. *Pfft crkl* She's unable to control her movement now, and panics slightly. "Uhh, sir? We have a malfunction." More shit squeezes against her ass and legs, until she finally finishes releasing her smelly load. "Uh, wait, why does it stink? Phew!" Sanchez pinches her nose and shoots a puzzled look at the rep. The rep looks mortified.

"The girl is right. I thought the system eradicated odor." One of the men says. The rep looks worried now. "Well, this is obviously a malfunctioning unit. An anomaly. The next unit probably won't do anything like this. Uh, anyone else? Can we give a proper demonstration while Macintire cleans herself up?" Macintire waddles out of the room, groaning and mumbling the entire time, leaving a trail of putrid odor behind her. The men all step back and hide their noses in their sleeves.

Woods raises her hand to speak. "I can try, sir." "Very well, Woods. Go ahead." She doesn't even bothering turning around or putting her helmet on, she assumes a squat position and rests her arms on her knees. "I volunteer!" Sanchez hums. She bends forward in the same way that Macintire did and winks at the men. "Nngh!" Sanchez gives them all an exagerrated grunt, pushing a load into her plate. Two lights come on. Meanwhile, Woods is still completely silent, but two lights come on on her plate. "Nngh...big one." Sanchez giggles again and grunts. The lights blink once and Sanchez sighs. "All good so far!" Sanchez grunts again before...

Sanchez's plate pops off and lands on the floor, along with the log it was holding. "Crap!" She squats down and drops another lump onto the broken plate, then urinates all over the front and the floor. The men all groan in disgust and start crowding the rep, who's looking very nervous by now. Meanwhile, Woods is still concentrating, her eyes now closed. Two lights blink as she feels a soft load coming out and entering the container. A crackling noise comes from her bottom. *Crrklk* She sighs quietly and begins to stand up, waiting to see if she's finished. The lights go off and she stands up, standing perfectly still again. "It works fine." However, Guff begins to step away from her. "I don't think so, Woods." "What do yo...oh. I see." Her plate didn't fall off, nor did the suit seal up, but the smell is proof enough that it didn't work. Guff cups both hands to her nose. "Nasty, Woods. Really nasty!"

Sanchez is now holding her head in her hands, thoroughly embarassed. Woods is removing her plate, examining it for defects, and Guff...

*Prrt* Guff lets out a small fart. "Aw hell, I'm gettin' out of this thing before it screws up on me too!" She scrambles to get her plate off, heading towards the door, and...*Pllbbrrt!!* A loud fart and a huge load of diarrhea comes streaming out of her, filling the container and overflowing the unit, seeping out the sides. "Oh dammit!" She squats down and lets out another fart. *PblblttFFRRT* Another explosion of mud, and the the cracks in the panel are now flowing with feces. The smell is intolerable, and a few of the men gag. Sanchez almost starts to cry, but when she looks around, starts to laugh. "So...good demonstration?" She snickers.

Woods is sniffing her own load, but immediately pulls back. "...Ew." Sanchez is now finished, but has nothing to obscure her private bits and is thus squating down over the plate, humiliated. Guff has retreated to the corner and is still having explosive diarrhea in her suit, moaning and clutching her stomach. "Oh god make it end, I wanna get this thing off..."

The men all turn to the rep, who is slowly edging for the door. "So...what should the opening bid on the project be?" The men all walk out at once, leaving the rep alone in a room full of smelly, ashamed women. "Uh...sorry girls. Off to the showers I guess, huh?" Everyone, even Woods, stares daggers at him.

"Fuck, I'm gonna go get a drink. I need to have a talk with the engineers, and I'm not doing it sober. Or politely."


"FUCK! This thing has to come off. C'moon, I need a fucking shower...ergh...AAHH!" Macintire gives up and curls up on the locker room bench and begins to cry.

1000 pageviews!

Hey! A while back I passed 1,000 pageviews! Let's celebrate! Or not. Nobody cares. Especially not me.

One Soldier at a Time: Part 1 - Video Demonstration

A man in a very expensive suit leads a small group of equally expensively dressed gentlemen down a brightly lit hallway, walking backwards and talking at the same time. "So you see, this new suit will usher in a whole new era of warefare. Environments which were once untraversable will now be trivial to pass through. The casualty rate will drop significantly and soldiers will feel far more secure in a firefight. We will have an immeasurable advantage over the competition." A murmur runs through the crowd as the men chatter excitedly. "If you'll step into this room, we'll watch a very brief video presentation. It also includes a taped demonstration of the suit in action. After this, you'll be able to see several soldiers using the suit in a live demo." The men chatter even more loudly this time. Excitement exudes from the group as they cross the threshhold into a small presentation room with a projector already set up.

The man leading the group waits for them all to sit down and flicks off the lights, hitting a button on the remote he pulls from his pocket. A video starts playing on the opposite wall, and the men watch with their full attention.

"This is the new PX-1000 powered combat suit." A buff female soldier holding an assault rifle stands in the middle of a field, obviously a proving ground. She's wearing a form fitting suit, with special plates built into the wrists, chest, part of the stomach and most of her legs, as well as a strange-looking piece built around her hips and across her crotch. "This suit is just the beginning in a line of powered combat suits being developed by the New Heaven Arms Corporation. Our hope is that the PX line will become a regular, permanent fixture of the United States military." One of the men in the room speaks up "Lofty goals, eh?" A few of the men snicker before the man giving the presentation silences them.

The woman on screen places a helmet on her head and hits a button on the side, closing the visor. "The PX-1000's helmet has built in communication devices as well as a UV-resistant visor. The entire thing is highly bullet and impact resistant." The woman readies her weapon and fires at some distant targets. The camera zooms in to reveal the targets, and all the shots are placed almost perfectly. The men in the room all look impressed already. "The PX-1000's Virtual Muscle system is designed to stablize the wearer's aim, and the helmet's visor is installed with the latest in augmented reality technology, allowing for advanced target identification systems." The man with the remote chimes in. "The software for the AR system still has a few bugs, but the suit is fully functional without it, and it can't be turned off within the suit itself. Also, the helmet has a filtration system, so it can function as a gas mask."

"The PX-1000 is resitant to bullets, heavy impacts and indirect explosions. It is built from special space-age metals and nano-fibers for maximum protection." The woman removes her helmet and wipes her forehead. "Hot? The PX-1000 has a cooling system built right into the suit for high-temperature environments, as well as a heating system for low-temperature environments. Sweat is collected in a resevior, filtered and recycled into the in-suit hydration tank." The woman then screws up her face and rubs her inner thigh. "But what about other bodily wastes, you might ask?" Some of the men in the room looked interested.

The woman squats down slightly and a look of relief comes across her face. "As you may notice, first of all, the suit is built for a wide range of movement. Now, what's happening here is..." A small animation plays in the corner as the woman continues urinating, of both male and female genitalia urinating into the small compartment, with the urine being stored in a small pouch in the hip piece. The woman sighs and stands up. Then she frowns and squats down even lower, grabbing her stomach and screwing up her face. A less graphic animation of feces being stored in a compartment on the hip plate is show in the corner. She stands up again and looks even more relieved; she's actually smiling.

Some of the men look disgusted (if highly interested), others highly intrigued, and one of them looks very excited at the whole idea. The man with the remote grins.

"The PX-1000's waste disposal features include scent eradicating technology, as well as a system to compact larger movements." The hip plate whirs for a moment as the woman looks surprised, then comes to a halt. She blushes and shuffles around uncomfortably, giggling.

"And one more important feature of the PX-1000 is related to it's waste management feature. Watch." The woman clicks a button on the hip plate and it begins whirring, popping off into her hand. The crotch area of the suit quickly closes up to protect her modesty. She places it on the ground and hits another button, causing it to move foward across the ground. After a few minutes, once it's far out of range, it explodes. The men in the room are taken aback. Urine and feces are spread across the ground, smoking. "The PX-1000 employs basic psychological and biological warfare within it's waste management system, for use in emergencies or possibly ambushes." The camera refocuses on the woman, who holds her gun at her side and winks, giving a thumbs up to the camera. "New Heaven Arms: Building a better war, one soldier at a time."

The projector automatically clicks off and the man with the remote flicks the lights back on. "Now, gentlemen, you've had a taste. Is anyone excited about a live demonstration?" The men all leap up at once and follow the man out of the room.


The Queen's Throne

The kingdom of Dioria was known as one of the calmest in the land. The queen was young and fair, there was little political turmoil, and, unlike many of the other nearby lands, there were few beasts to contend with in the wilderness. The price to pay for all this peace came in the fact the the kingdom was very, very boring. Much of the brown was brown or dark green, much like a swamp but less damp, and the ground was sparse with vegetation. There were no massive mountain ranges in the distance, or even nearby hills to climb on top of. It was flat, dull and few wanted to live there.

Still, it had it's benefits. The farming community was thriving in the area, as the soil was very fertile. Should anyone or anything attack the main kingdom (which no one ever wanted to, anyway), they would have no place to hide, giving the guards a strong tactical advantage. The kingdom was very out of the way, so actual supplies and news from other towns and cities was rare. The people of Dioria made do with what they had, and tried to be entirely self-sufficient. And it worked well for them. They were decent, hardworking people, the lower class was not looked down upon by the upper class, and nobody picked on anybody else. It was a good place to live, if you're not looking for any excitement whatsoever.

On one of these uneventful days, the current queen of Dioria, Lady Cassia, sat in her throne room staring out the window, holding court for the day. She sighed and turned over to her aide, on the left side of her throne, looking him up and down. "Must we do this today? Nobody has been in to bring news, and nobody has any issues to address with me today, and even nobody has been in for my entertainment. Can't we retire for the day?"

Her aide gave her a concerned look for a few moments, before saying "M'lady, you are the queen of Dioria. You must spend a certain amount of the day at your throne, prepared to solve disputes or negotiate with ambasadors from other kingdoms. It is one of your obligations, and I'm afraid today's time is not yet up. It will be over soon and we can do as you wish." She grumbled before turning to the window again, sighing.

Lady Cassia was only 19 years old, but had a very mature look for her age. Her mother, Lady Aria, looked down on the lower class, but even she was rather fair to them. She had passed away of disease (a rare thing in Dioria, as sickness was not widespread) at the age of 47. Cassia was only 17, and was to take the crown from that moment on. It suited her just fine. Running the kingdom was actually a pretty easy job, and she was never all that fond of her mother. Still, she sort of missed her, from time to time.

Cassia shifted in her seat and squinted her eyes for a moment, trying hard to keep her composure. "C'mooon, how much longer is this going to be? I can't wait much longer..." She thought, tension mounting in her nervous mind. She glanced around the room a few times, while attempting to conceal her discomfort. It was unavoidable that she would shift around, but she could not let her aide see a strange facial expression or hear (or, god forbid, smell) any "emissions." She sat back on the chair and groaned.

Her aide looked over at her, slumped over in the throne, and his mind began to wander. "Is she really mature enough to hold such a position? She can't even sit still in her throne for a scant few hours." He stared at her for a moment, taking in her pale skin, her long black hair, her extravagant dress of red and gold, custom tailored to make her look all the more dignified, lacy bits on all the ends, her shape just barely showing through the... He snapped back to reality. "She's technically royalty, and your job is to aid her in her queenly endeavours. Don't think of the lady in that way." He turned to face the main door of the throne room again, pushing his urges aside.

"M'lady, is there something distressing you? You seem listless." She frowned and looked to her right, out the window again. "Nothing is distressing me. You needn't worry." He too frowned. "It's just that you seem...distant today. Alone in your own world." He waited for a response for several seconds, almost ready to repeat himself, before finally she spoke. "No, I'm...fine. How much longer until we finish?" "Do you have a prior engagement? I can send to tell them you may be late." Again, she waited several seconds before responding. "That's alright."

Several minutes passed before anyone spoke again. The queen let her hand fall off the arm rest and began to rub her stomach, using soft, slow movements as to avoid undue attention. She spoke again. " it possible to take short...breaks, perhaps?" He thought a moment. "Well, no. It is your duty to remain in the room during this time, m'lady. Do you need something? I could send for a meal if you wish. Or perhaps even some entertainment, if anyone is available. Some company, perhaps." She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. "That's the last thing I need..." He paused a moment, thinking hard. What could be upsetting the queen...?

He blushed after finally realizing the cause of her distress. "Ah...m'lady? need to..ah...relieve yourself?" There was a very long silence, in which neither looked at each other and both turned deep red. "I...rather do, yes." He sighed and continued facing away from Lady Cassia. "Well, fortunately, we've taken such things into consideration. We are very strict and traditional here, but we do realize that even royalty have basic human needs. If you would stand, m'lady." She very carefully gripped the arm rests and stood up slowly, attempting not to soil herself in the process. Once she was stood up, her aide swung around and stood in front of the throne, avoiding her gaze the entire time. He reached under the throne and lifted the top, revealing another seat entirely under the top cushion, with a padded hole connected to a pot below the throne. "I'm afraid this will have to do, m'lady. Unfortunately I must be present at all times, unless more urgent business or sickness keep me away, as you know. I promise I will not look, however." It was a nice gesture, telling her this, but not exactly comforting. "Uh...does m'lady need help...removing her undergarments?" He didn't look at her as he said this, turning away and blushing deeply. "I still promise not to...look."

"That's...quite alright." She said, also avoiding eye contact. "...Please turn away." He did, and she carefully pulled up her dress and the layers underneath, sliding her underwear down. There was a small brown streak on the back, from holding it all morning. As she turned around and began to sit on the throne again, her stomach gurgled. She groaned as she lay her smooth bottom on the seat.

Meanwhile, Cassia's aide had been distracted trying not to embarass her, and thus didn't notice the gurgling sound. He was not aware of how badly she needed to go.

Another few moments of silence passed, where the aide looked to the leftmost wall, and the queen was too embarassed to go. The aide decided to sit down next to the throne, still not looking in her direction; keeping his promise. She finally relaxed and began urinating into the bowl, the sound echoing around the chamber. She stared down at her feet and wiggled her toes as she peed. The bowl quickly filled, and the almost soothing sound of the stream hitting the side of the pot was replaced with the sound of pee sloshing against her large puddle. Her stream at last slowed, and she let off a few last drips into the bowl. She sighed in relief and sat back in the chair.

Her aide stood again, turning towards the queen. "Excellent then. I shall call for the royal chambermaid to dispose of that. Just then, as if perfectly rehearsed, she farted into the pot, echoing through the bowl around around the room. *frrRRTT* Her aide nearly went green, and blushed again. "I...will send for the lady of the bedchamber immediately. will need someone to wash you afterwards." He quickly turned and walked out of the room, leaving her alone. She held her head in her hands and tried not to breathe through her nose; the smell was unbearable, and there was no doubt he'd sampled her aroma before he left. *Nngh* She grunted and began her movement, a pile of brown slop shooting out of her sensitive hole. *Spklklkrrt* The sound was beyond description, and the smell was even worse. The smell and texture of her bowel movements reflected the diet of royalty in a small farming community: cabbage, meat, potatoes and anything with lots of fiber. She gagged and vowed she would never eat the cabbage again.

The door creaked open and Cassia's eyes shot foward, taking in the sight of a frail-looking girl bashfully entering the room. She looked around and walked up to the throne, staring down at her feet. "I'm...the...uhh....lady...uhm..." Cassia stared at her while she continued stammering. She tried to hide her embarassment and smiled. "What is your name?" She looked up at Cassia and said "Uhm...m'lady, I am Liviya. I'm...the uh...well I'm...your lady of the bedchamber. know..." 'That's enough. I know what you do." Cassia noticed the small device in Liviya's hand, and the shallow bowl of water in the other. The device was a sort of silk handkerchief attached to a stick. "I think I know what that does." She giggled in spite of herself, and Liviya almost flashed a smile, before looking back down at her feet.

"I thought I was to choose my own lady of the bedchamber, though. I had heard the woman with my mother had recently passed. I had never liked her much anyway, she was much too rough. You seem young." Liviya ground her shoe into the floor and stammered out "Well...I am...very young, yes. See, your aide thought you might still be getting used to your authority, so your aide thought it best...if uhm..he chose...the lady of the bedchamber for you. And there were lots of other people and I mostly didn't want to...but my mother thought it would be nice for uhm...'be among royalty' so she sent me there. And then uhh...I told him...I told him that I didn't have any sense of smell, because see I was attacked by a troll when I was little...and I'm ok...I'm really ok, see?..." She pointed to her cheek, and indeed Cassia noticed a small scar on her cheek, as well as the fact that it was almost indetectably caved in. "So I can't smell anything, and that's...a good thing for...this job..." She trailed off and stared down at her feet. *SPPLRTbrlbrt* Cassia dropped another load into the pot, freshening the stink in the room. She pinched her nose and nearly gagged again.

Liviya blushed. "If you wish...uh...I ah...can leave you to finish. Alone..." *Frrp* "......That's alright. If you want to leave, you can, and I'll call you back. I'll leave it in your hands." Liviya trembled and looked up at Cassia, before laying her instruments at the foot of the throne and standing to the side. "I'm ok. I should be here." She suddenly seemed far more brave, even though she was shaking. Cassia smiled shyly and reached over to grab Liviya's hand. Liviya gasped, before calming down and grasping Cassia's very smooth hand with both of hers. "Please, finish."

*SpllkkRTCHTLklk* an extremely wet load exploded from Cassia's rear, once again adding more to the already overpowering scent. "And you're certain you can't smell that? I envy you." Liviya giggled. Cassia squeezed Liviya's hand hard and said with a strained voice "Almost...through...hnnngh..." *CrrkklkPLOP* A much more solid log crawled through her colon and landed in the watery mess below, marking the end of her BM. She gasped and leaned back, still gripping Liviya's hand. "I'm finished." She panted, sweat running down her forehead.

Cassia now realized how adorable Liviya was. She wore a simple black and white dress, but it was much more form-fitting than her own. You could almost see Liviya's curves, and even though she wasn't well-endowed, her breasts looked well-shapen even through the dress. She had short brown hair, and a very soft face, with high cheekbones and a rather small nose. She looked almost childlike. "How old are you, Liviya?" "I am 17 years old m'lady. Soon to be 18." Cassia eyed her again, and envied her youthful appearance. Cassia herself was very young, but she looked far more mature. Her face was wrinkle-free, but she still looked older than she was, which made her much easier to respect at least.

Liviya grasped Cassia's arm and lifted her off the throne, telling her to lift her dress and squat down. She did, and Liviya began splashing water onto her butt, and then she was wiped up. Liviya set her things to the side and redressed Cassia, before noticing the small stain on her underwear. "Uhm..should I uh...take these to the laundry?" Cassia went flush for what could've been the hundredth time today. "Please." She removed her underwear and set them also to the side, then walked over to the throne and looked into the pot. She gasped, covering her hand with her mouth. "...Oh, I'm...I apologize, m'lady. It's just" She stared at the pot with a look of bewilderment.

"I'll remove this." She said, when she was finished gawking. Cassia still giggled, and closed the lid on the throne before sitting down again. She bolted up for a moment before sitting again, slower this time. " there any way to tender...down there?" She asked. "I...have heard of some herbal remedies grown locally, yes. Shall I look into it?" "Please do."

"Goodbye, m'lady." Liviya left the room, and a few minutes later Cassia's aide reentered. He stood stoicly by the throne, not saying a word. "Is she to your satisfaction, m'lady? I apologize for taking this into my own hands." "She's perfect." Cassia grinned widely. "She's certainly got her work cut out for her."

Before they left for the day, Cassia's aide stared wide-eyed at the queen for several minutes, shocked she could say that sort of thing.