A young girl, about the age of 20, cautiously shuffles down a dim corridor, trying to keep her mind on where she's going and off of a certain urge. She finally notices the sign attached to the wall, jutting out a little ways, reading "RESTROOMS" with an arrow pointed towards the wall. She breathes a sigh of relief and picks up her pace. Upon reaching the doors, she experiences an odd flood of emotion while reaching for the door handle: a sense of foreboding, a twinge of dread, and even a bit of excited wonderment. She shrugs this off and opens the door, revealing nothing but darkness. Once again, as she sticks out a hand to flick on the lights, she gets an odd feeling; a feeling that maybe this room doesn't belong in this corridor, in this mall, in this city. Maybe this toilet wasn't originally from this mall. Maybe this doorway doesn't really go to the mall's toilet, but another restroom, somewhere else. "Nah, stupid." She mutters.
After hitting the light switch, she ducks into the room, seizing her rear end with her free hand while she slams the door shut and clumsily locks the door. "Gotta gooo..." She whispers, a sense of urgency in her wavering voice. A rumbling sound escapes her gut and, with no other warning, a hot, foul, wet blast escapes her ass and fills the small one-toilet, one-sink bathroom with a pungent aroma. She shambles over to the bowl and slams the seat down (why was it up in the first place?), hiking up her grey, plaid-patterned skirt and pink "Hello Kitty" panties and slamming her rump down on the seat just in time. *Pff...prrt..* "All that damn greasy shit at the food court, nasty. Stuff'll turn anyone's asshole into a weapon of mass destruction." Under normal circumstances she might laugh, but there's a more pressing matter to take care of now. She closes her eyes and plugs her nose (the stench from her previous fart still lingers about the room) and bears down for a hearty dump.
*Bllrtt* A fart, even louder than the last, echoes through the bowl. She opens her eyes in surprise and notices a large brown stain on the back of her panties. "Oh my god I shit myself. I crapped my panties." Her skin flushes a deep shade of red. Her thoughts race across her mind in a frenzy. "Oh jesus, it's not just a little stain, that's pretty big. Dammit...no wonder it stinks so much in here. I can't walk out of here wearing those." She decides she'll throw them away in the trash can over by the sink on her way out, and high-tail it out of the mall before someone notices she's not wearing underwear.
Finally, her fecal mass begins to prod her backside, seemingly begging for her attention. A cramp sets upon her stomach as her sphincter opens wide to allow her crap proper passage into the holy porcelain temple. She lets out a primal grunt as she wrings her shirt. *Nngh...spllkkrk...plop! Plipplipfloomp* A thick, soft, fluffy mass exits her ass and fills the toilet, pushing the water away and clogging up the hole. The stench is now unbearable, her hand now permanently glued to her nostils. It's no good, she can still smell the greasy, fast-food-induced manure pile laying just beneath her butt. A final push and another, more solid, log drops on top of the mushy mess.
She reaches over for the toilet paper and lifts her butt off the seat, sitting to one side, and begins to slide the paper forward across her now searing hole. The paper is absolutely covered in soft shit, so she throws it into the nearly choked toilet and grabs a few more squares. She has to choke back vomit as she wipes, the smell and sight of her own waste beginning to nauseate her.
After a few wipes she's now clean, so she stares down into the bowl to examine her droppings. "Gnarly" She exclaims. She hesitates a moment, saying a silent prayer that the toilet won't clog, and pulls the flush. The water swirls around the edge of the bowl, forcing her poop to evacuate down a tiny hole for the second time today. After a very tense moment, the feces does indeed go down the hole, though not without a fight; a few large brown smears still coat the bottom of the bowl, and the strong smell of shit still fills the air. As she's stepping over to the sink to wash her hands, she steps out of her panties and carefully pinches them between her thumb and index finger. With one hand still gripping her nose, she pushes the revolving lid of the garbage can open and drops the once adorable underwear inside. She can't help but notice the trash is currently empty.
As she's washing her hands, she catches herself in the mirror, and a thought crosses her mind: how can something so disgusting come from such a cute face? Pretty little brunette, with her short hair, soft face, tiny little nose. It just doesn't make sense. She grins.
Leaving the bathroom, she can't help but have this strange feeling...the feeling that the room she just left isn't there anymore, and may very well have appeared somewhere else, and is about to be used again shortly. She pushes this strange thought out of her head and makes her way out of the hallway, intent on getting home and forgetting the whole mess.
(NOTE: The whole thing is part of a collaborative story, posted in this thread)